3 3/4" CUSTOMS
CHRIS SIZEMOREChris grew up playing with action figures during the 80s. The one thing that he always wanted was to have all of his favorite toy lines in the same scale. So he did exactly that with his "Best of the 80s Custom Project" which naturally included M.A.S.K. To see Chris' Creations CLICK HERE |
WILL CUSTOMSWill's passion is to make custom action figures with the best detail and quality and boy does he! To see Will's' Creations CLICK HERE |
K OTTO PHILIPSK Otto drew inspiration from the G.I.*JOE Specialist Matt Trakker released by Hasbro in within the 25th Anniversary GI Joe line. USing only GI Joe Marauder Task Force figures as a base, he has created some amazing customs. To see K Otto's Creations CLICK HERE |
CFCB Unlimited's Scott Schissler loves loves to create modern figures in the style of 70s and 80s toys. To see CFCB Unlimited M.A.S.K Creations CLICK HERE |
3 3/4" CUSTOMS
Chris grew up playing with action figures during the 80s. The one thing that he always wanted was to have all of his favorite toy lines in the same scale. So he did exactly that with his "Best of the 80s Custom Project" which naturally included M.A.S.K.
To see Chris' Creations CLICK HERE |