The infamous "Short" masks were originally released with the first wave of Series 1 in 1985. These masks appeared on the box art of the toys and were more cartoon accurate. In the second wave of series 1, released in 1986, these "short" masks were replaced with the "long" masks. The real reason for this change remains a mystery to this day, although speculations included choking hazard and ease of loss of these masks frequently are touted by fans.
Alex Sector
Short Jackrabbit Mask Brad Turner
Short Hocus Pocus Mask Bruce Sato
Short Lifter Mask Buddie Hawks
Short Penetrator Mask Dusty Hayes
Short Backlash Mask Hondo MacLean
Short Blaster I Mask Matt Trakker
Short Spectrum Mask Matt Trakker
Short Ultra Flash Mask |
Alex Sector
Long Jackrabbit Mask Brad Turner
Long Hocus Pocus Mask Bruce Sato
Long Lifter Mask Buddie Hawks
Long Penetrator Mask Dusty Hayes
Long Backlash Mask Hondo Maclean
Long Blaster I Mask Matt Trakker
Long Spectrum Mask Matt Trakker
Long Ultra Flash Mask |
Cliff Dagger
Short Torch Mask Miles Mayhem
Short Viper Mask Sly Rax
Short Stiletto Mask |
Cliff Dagger
Long Torch Mask Miles Mayhem
Long Viper Mask Sly Rax
Long Stiletto Mask |
Yes! Given that the mask variants came in the second wave, there were differences in the boxes that the figures with "short" and "long" masks came in. To some this may be trivial, to the completionist being able to tell to pair your figures with their correct box is paramount. We don't judge but are only here to help you tell them apart and get your correction complete.
Using the Thunderhawk box as an example we will dive into the differences found between the two boxes.
1) Front of Box at the bottom below the vehicle artwork
The first release would mention both "Comic Book and Poster Included" whereas for the second release only "Poster included" was mentioned
The first release would mention both "Comic Book and Poster Included" whereas for the second release only "Poster included" was mentioned
Comic Book and Poster Included |
Poster Included |
2) Front of the box at the top under the vehicle name
The first release would use a generic vehicle type. For the second release with long masks some vehicles were changed to specific cars. For example Thunderhawk was changed from "Sports Car" to " Camaro" and Jackhammer from "4x4 "to "Bronco"
The first release would use a generic vehicle type. For the second release with long masks some vehicles were changed to specific cars. For example Thunderhawk was changed from "Sports Car" to " Camaro" and Jackhammer from "4x4 "to "Bronco"
Sports Car |
Camaro |
3) Front of the box at the top under the vehicle name
The first release included a blue and white "Proof of Purchase" seal with the General Mills logo and the vehicles name. The barcode was black on white with no border.
For the second release the barcode was blue on white with a black border. The "Proof of Purchase " was included above the barcode within the same border
The first release included a blue and white "Proof of Purchase" seal with the General Mills logo and the vehicles name. The barcode was black on white with no border.
For the second release the barcode was blue on white with a black border. The "Proof of Purchase " was included above the barcode within the same border
Separate Barcode and Proof of Purchase Seal |
Barcode and Proof of Purchase Seal together |
4) Trademark and year
The first release lists the Trademark as CPG Products Corp in 1985. This compares to the second release where the Trademark is changed to Kenner Parker Toys Inc and the year to 1986
The first release lists the Trademark as CPG Products Corp in 1985. This compares to the second release where the Trademark is changed to Kenner Parker Toys Inc and the year to 1986
Trademark CPG Products Corp 1985 |
Trademark Kenner Parker Toys 1986 |
Release 1: Short Mask
Release 2: Long Mask
Release 1: Short Mask
Release 2: Long Mask