We had a blast speaking to Bill Faries from Matt-Trakker.com. It was an honour to have the opportunity to talk about the site and chat M.A.S.K with the man whose been "Keeping MASK Alive Since 2001"! We look forward to the next exciting 20 years.
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Wanted to know which poster came with which vehicles? Well we have you covered.
Just Click Here and off you got to the world of M.A.S.K posters! ​ Each of our boxed M.A.S.K toys came with an awesome poster unique to the series (1, 2, Racing or Split Seconds) and to the country of origin. Dive into our latest creation and enjoy the posters of M.A.S.K.
The community has spoken and inspired us to proudly deliver our latest page. Click here for our latest guide to the Short vs Long masks of Series 1.
The infamous "Short" masks were originally released with the first wave of Series 1 in 1985 and subsequently replaced with their "long" counterparts in the second wave in 1986. The reason for this change remains a mystery to this day, although speculations included choking hazard and ease of loss of these masks frequently are touted by fans. We look at how to tell the masks apart and how to identify the boxes they came in.
​Have you always wondered what M.A.S.K secrets are kept hidden by the mystical red View-Master. Fret no more, as we have done all the hard work for you
​ Presenting our newest View-Master page! Click Here to learn all the secret! ​
We are so proud to present our latest page "Cartoon Fun Facts"!
Your one stop MASK cartoon resource for cool vehicle add-ons, secret VENOM headquarters, Blackout, Magma Mole, civilians, less recurring characters and quirky fun facts.] Click Here to have a stroll through all the amazing insights offered by David Goellnitz!
MASKFORCE.comStay uptodate with the latest in the M.A.S.K community and updates at MASKFORCE.com Archives
November 2020
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